Record your screen in Windows 10 - - Windows Tips and Tricks with Geek

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Record your screen in Windows 10

1. Open the app you want to record. Unfortunately, the screen recorder tool can't capture some programs, such as File Manager, or the entire desktop, but it does work in regular apps, whether from the Windows Store or desktop apps.

2. Press the Windows key + G at the same time to open the Game Bar dialog.

3. Check the "Yes, this is a game" checkbox to load the Game Bar. This is the procedure whether you are screen recording a game or another kind of app.

4. Click on the Start Recording button (or Win + Alt + R) to begin capturing video.

5. Stop the recording by clicking on the red recording bar that will be on the top right of the program window. (If it disappears on you, press Win + G again to bring the Game Bar back.)

That's it! You'll find your recorded videos, which are MP4 files, under the Videos folder in a subfolder called Captures. You'll also find them in the Xbox app under the Game DVR menu, where you can trim a video and share it on Xbox live (if it's a game).

Note that you can also use the Xbox screen recording tool to take screenshots. Instead of clicking the recording button, click the camera icon on the Game Bar or Win+Alt+PrtScn.

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