Create a Guest Account on Windows 11 - - Windows Tips and Tricks with Geek

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Create a Guest Account on Windows 11


Create a “Guest” Account Through Settings

First, open the Settings app on your Windows 11 device and navigate to the Accounts > Family & Other Users.

Go to Accounts > Family and Other Users.

Under the “Other Users” section, click “Add Account.”

Click "Add Account."

Windows is going to want you to sign in with a Microsoft account. Click “I don’t have this person’s sign-in information” instead.

Click "I don't have this person's sign-in information."

Next, select “Add a user without a Microsoft account.”

"Add a user without a Microsoft account."

Now enter the name for the guest account. It can’t actually be “Guest” but anything else will work. Leave the password fields empty and click “Next.”

Enter a name, skip the passwords, and click "Next."

That’s it! The account will now appear alongside the other accounts and it won’t require a password to sign in.

Create Guest Account Through Command Line

This method is a little more technical but requires fewer steps. To begin, find “Command Prompt” in the Start Menu and right-click to run it as an administrator.

Open Command Prompt as an administrator.

Type this command and hit Enter: net user Guest1 /add /active:yes

Note: You can replace “Guest1” with any other name, but you can’t use “Guest.”

Command Prompt success.

That’s it!

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