How to Troubleshoot Display Scaling Windows 10 - - Windows Tips and Tricks with Geek

Friday, June 25, 2021

How to Troubleshoot Display Scaling Windows 10

Not all apps scale well, especially on high-resolution displays, also known as high DPI (dots per inch) displays. Follow these steps to override Windows display scaling settings for a specific app.

Important : Don’t make these adjustments or changes unless absolutely necessary.

Select the Windows Start Menu.

The Start button in Windows 10
  1. Right-click the app, choose More and select Open file location.

    The Open File Location command
  2. Right-click the app in the Programs folder and select Properties.

    The Properties command
  3. Choose the Compatibility tab.

    The Compatibility tab
  4. Select Change high DPI settings.

    The "Change high DPI settings" button
  5. Select Open Advanced Scaling Settings. The Scaling Settings window will open.

    The "Open Advanced scaling settings" link
  6. Select Let Windows try to fix apps so they're not blurry.

    The "Let Windows try to fix apps" switch
  7. Check the app again. If the issue is not resolved, enter a custom scaling size in the Scaling Settings window.

If you’ve installed custom graphics hardware and software, you might not be able to adjust display scaling within the Windows system settings. Third-party software that controls a graphics card, for example, may take precedence over Windows system display settings. You can often access and adjust third-party graphics software from your Windows system tray (typically found in the lower right corner of your screen).

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